Call for Papers

Mainstreaming Religious Moderation for Humanity and Nationality

” Background

The challenges of Muslims today at least deal with two main issues. First, the tendency of some Muslims to be extreme and strict in understanding religious texts and imposing this method in the Muslim community, even using violence in some cases. Second, another extreme tendency includes the religion obedience which subject to negative behaviors and thoughts impacted from other cultures and civilizations. For this reason, moderation offers a solution as a middle ground option to eradicate ideas that contradict with the nation's identity. The epistemological pattern of Islamic scholarship in contemporary Muslim understanding towards religious moderation is different from that of traditional Islamic scholarship ('Ulumu al-Diin).The utilization of traditional scholar-religious scholar and epistemological methods still exists and is needed. In this case, the texts of the Qur'an become the initial central point (hadharah al-nash; Bayani; lexical-lughawiyyah), but its interpretation and understanding must be dialogued, mingled, integrated and contextualized with local, regional, and international realities.

Topics of Interest:

Religion and Religiosity

• Islamic Principles and Ethics for Moderation

• Moderation Best Practices

• Moderation in Traditional Islamic scholarship

• Religion, Moderation, and Modern Society.

. Islam Law, Fiqh, and Moderation

• Critical Studies to Stigmatization about Muslim Radicalism, Fundamentalism, and Terrorism


Education and Society

Moderation Best Practices throughout Educational Institution

• Knowledge Production for Moderation

• Literacy and Moderation

• Media, Social Media, and Moderation

• Gender and Moderation


Social and Humanities Studies

• Legal Studies and Moderation.

Crises, Transformative Capacities, and Moderation 

• Environment and Moderation

• Social Justice, Poverty, and Moderation

• Resilience and Islamic Psychoteraphy

• Social Resilience and Moderation

All accepted and presented papers will be included in national proceeding and selected papers are going to be considered to published in journal indexed by SINTA, Scopus, and Web of Science (WoS).